A few more bits of fun from yesterday afternoon that I forgot to mention…

It was only my first day, and already, a bunch of the ladies at work were hitting on me. This one older lady came over and introduced herself. It seemed innocent enough, until she said, “Ooooh… you are a cutie!” As soon as she was gone, all the other girls in the break room said to me: “Stay away from her! She’s man-hunting!” My first day, and I’m already a target. Sheesh.

The 6-year-old girl who was convinced that I had a girlfriend was also obsessed with something else… my hair. She was determined to give me ponytails. I don’t know how she planned to do it, since I have maybe 2 inches of hair tops. Her rationale for it being possible was that she gives her dad ponytails. One of the other girls pointed out that her dad has much longer hair than me, but the 6-year-old still didn’t think that should matter. Oh well.

I actually would love to go back and get to drive those kids around once I get to drive buses. They were already planning for me to be their bus driver next year, but since they didn’t want to lose their current driver, they decided that we would just have to alternate, so that they could have both of us.

One of the other girls on that bus was asking me my name, so I told her it was Mike. She then said, “What’s your last name?” I don’t really mind giving out my last name, but I don’t expect elementary kids to be able to pronounce it, so I just told her I didn’t have a last name, just like Madonna. I don’t think she bought it. I guess some of them are smarter than others.